What is Accessible Communications?

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Purple View Point

We all respond to information differently, but this is even more acute when considering the needs of disabled people who may not be able to engage with information because they are unable to access it.

Purple believe developing accessible communications practice is essential to any organisation looking to reach the widest market possible. Increasing your market will impact on your bottom line. Not only is this the right thing to do, it makes business sense.

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Accessible Communications is about responding to the fact people have different communication needs, and developing your products and materials accordingly. This ensures as many people as possible can access the information you provide, as well as communicate with your organisation.

It is all about being user friendly and ensuring your organisation communicates in a way which is accessible to the widest pool of people possible.

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Advice & Guidance

  • It applies to all the methods of communication your organisation uses, such as printed information, your website, and your social media channels.
  • Develop an Accessible Communications policy which sets out your organisations commitment to ensuring disabled people can access the information you send out.
  • Your organisations Brand Guidelines are a fundamental element of any approach to accessibility. For example, is your default font type clear and readable? Do you avoid the use of italics and underlining?
  • Accessible communication is not just about the way in which your products are presented, but also the way in which they are written. Does your website use plain English and avoid jargon for example?
  • Your organisation should consider what alternative formats you offer to provide information in. Do you offer braille and EasyRead for example? If not, your information may not be accessible to people with visual impairments or learning disabilities, potentially excluding them from interacting with you and purchasing your services.
  • On your website, can users change the colour of the background or text? Can they increase the size of the font?
  • Do you reflect your customers and employees in the images you use in your publicity material? People are more likely to engage with, or feel part of, an organisation if you do.
  • Think about testing how accessible your communication materials are with people with communications access needs. Remember that disabled people best know their needs and can provide you with valuable feedback on how you could develop your communications approach.


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