Disability and Inequality – Infographic

Infographic of facts and figures about disability and inequality.

Conversation – The disability conversation needs to shift away from whether or not a disabled person wants to work. Like all groups of society there will be those that wish to and those that can’t, and those that are not looking.

25% – Disabled people’s living costs are 25% higher than non-disabled people.

£550 – Disabled people spend an average £550 a month on costs directly associated with their disability. This includes transport, specialised equipment and carers.

Less productive – A large proportion of the UK believes disabled people need care, are less productive and less competent that the rest of the population.

3 times more likely – At every level of qualification, disabled people are nearly 3 times more likely to be without a job but want to work.

33% – The gap between employment rates of disabled people and non-disabled people in employment is 33% (46% disabled to 79% non-disabled).

1/3 – Disabled people are twice as likely as other citizens to have no recognised qualifications, and over one third of all those without any formal qualifications are disabled.

Disadvantage – Disability increases the likelihood of disadvantag in social activities, income, housing and employment.

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