Stuart’s Comic Book Store

Stuart’s comic book store. #TheBigBangTheory followers will instantly picture the scene. Banks of comics. Surrounded by boxes. Posters. And miniatures. Warhammer. Blood bowl. Dungeons and Dragons. But this is Geek Retreat. The friendliest place to meet, eat, shop and Game. My home town. Not #Pasadena. Playing Risk at University doesn’t count. Me. An alien world. My older two kids. Their kind of space. #Sheldon. #Howard. #Raj. #Leonard. You will never feel so comfortable.

#GeekRetreat is entertainment. Enterprise. Empathy. The model is brilliant. Their support to individuals on the autistic spectrum is incalculable. People literally come alive. Engaged. Excited. And safe. Need to avoid sweeping statements. But. Down the local pub. Uncomfortable. A focus for unwanted and unwarranted attention. Intolerance of difference. No better place to recognise #WorldAutismAcceptanceWeek. Purple also celebrated with our 365 webinar on autism diagnosis later in life. Biggest audience ever. Not surprised. Watch the bitesize version here:

Kathryn Knowles. Debbie Hannam. Your lived experience and knowledge. So powerful. So moving. Impactful. Thank you.


Learned something new recently. #CosPlay. Full regalia. Stepping out. In the shoes of someone else. Pressing the live pause button. Super hero. Super power. Super intrigued. Who would I be.

Thinking about it Tuesday.

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