Rue smile. Spaghetti Junction. Faced down. Opening of a new complex road interchange near my house. Challenging on all fronts. Trafalgar Square on my own doorstep. For a person who curates the change cause. I actually struggle. Dawn investigations. To explore. Understand all junctions. Exits. And where they lead. Redrawing my bearings. Boom. A new connecting road. Twins’ nursery run. 18 minutes now down to 5. How did that happen. Right under my nose. 13 extra minutes to play with every morning. And early evening. Avoidance of traffic. Priceless.

Perversely, in a parallel world, I am part of creating new traffic. New navigation systems. Online. As we move to hybrid cars, we move to hybrid shopping experiences. Accessible fuel and maps are needed for disabled customers. To EnableAll L-plate firmly on. Learning from a great instructor. Chloë Thomas . As part of a newly released podcast I reflect on the new rules. How to pass my test. And why disabled people cannot be left behind. New interchanges have to be inclusive. Chloe and others from the world of e-commerce are embracing accessibility. They get it. Understand the why. See the benefit for all. And can push down the accelerator, even in heavy traffic.

Enjoy the ride Tuesday.

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