Smashed taboo. A CEO speaks about the work undertaken during lockdown on disability and mental health specifically. Passion, detail and authenticity. He describes the journey and the milestones that will let all staff know progress has been made. And he talks about the internal conversations now happening on a weekly basis around mental wellbeing on staff and customers.
Any questions? After a pause an individual comes off mute and tells the whole organisation after 15 years he feels it right to disclose his mental health condition. The organisation is changing. And then another follows. And another who discloses dyslexia. And another with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Four current staff in two minutes. A true story and one that happened only a few weeks ago.
20% of the population will need additional mental health support as a direct consequence of Covid. A significant rise in depression and anxiety. The stats are stark and the ‘why’ evident.
I am very proud to be leading Purple who are supporting organisations to smash the taboo on mental health.
Next year we will celebrate Smashed Taboo week to showcase the changes people and organisations have made.
Happy Friday. Healthy Friday.