Blue eyes. Looking up, left or right, indicates you are building pictures in your mind. Sideways. The focus is on sounds. Looking down and you are searching for feelings. And not listening.

Understanding cues aids communication. We all have preferences. But can we adapt to ensure inclusivity and impact of our message? Tuning in. Staying authentic.

I am a blend. Not bland! To change the disability conversation it is probably a good thing. Podcasts become an opportunity to build pictures for people to see. Changing tone for people who prefer to hear. Filming. I am much more chaotic, pulled by body language. For a man with no arms I feel like I am gesticulating permanently. Standing still looking down a lens is straitjacket territory. I am stilted. Not free flow. And it shows.

Showing feelings have developed and evolved through posts. And I listen. Letting you inside my world. Warts and all.

My friend Paul, who is blind, told me many years ago my eyes were irrelevant to him. I had to learn to connect in other ways. The same applies to people with other disabilities. Often preference is not a choice. To connect you adapt. Multi-channel. If not you exclude.

Eyes slightly bloodshot. Bags. Blotchy skin. In danger of communicating a different message.

Concealer Friday.

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