What is the Disability Confident Accreditation?

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Purple View Point

Purple is committed to bringing business and disabled people together to create new and innovative consumer and employment solutions. We see disability as a business issue and a real leadership and commercial opportunity.

Disabled people and their families have a consumer spending power of £249 billion, the so called Purple Pound. With nearly one in five of the adult population in the UK having a disability, it makes business sense to reflect your consumer base in your workforce.

Purple believes that the Disability Confident accreditation scheme enables organisations to take stock and see disability through a different lens, building understanding about the cultural, commercial and employment opportunities of recruiting and retaining disabled talent.

Achieving Disability Confident sends a strong message to your staff and consumers about the importance you place on disability, and it demonstrates strong leadership with your stakeholders, business sector and supply chain.

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Disability Confident is the Government’s accreditation scheme and an important first step in your disability journey. There are three levels to the scheme:

Level 1: Disability Confident Committed

To complete Level 1 you must commit to five Disability Confident themes and identify at least one action that you’ll carry out to make a difference for disabled people.

Level 2: Disability Confident Employer

Once you have completed Level 1 you can progress to Level 2 by completing a self-assessment for your organisation against two themes:

  • Getting the right people for your business
  • Keeping and developing your people

Level 3: Disability Confident Leader

By stepping up to become a Disability Confident Leader, you will demonstrate leadership by looking outwards and promoting Disability Confident across your business sector and supply chain.

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Advice & Guidance

As one of the first organisations in the UK to achieve Level 3 Leader accreditation, Purple is perfectly placed to support you. Having worked alongside many large and small organisations to achieve Level 3, we know that every organisation is different and we tailor our approach to your needs.

Purple sees the accreditation process as much more than a tick-box exercise and if you do too, we would love to work alongside you to help deliver your commitments to disabled people. We take a pragmatic view about where you are now and will help develop a realistic and achievable action plan.

To achieve Level 3 your self-assessment and externally-facing activities need to be validated independently. We offer two packages:

  • Disability Confident Level 3 Validation Package – £999

Initial conference call; full commentary and validation of self-assessment and action plan; development and validation of Level 3 submission.

  • Disability Confident Premium Package – £9,999

We will guide you through all three levels of the accreditation scheme and following an initial scoping meeting, will deliver a programme of workshops and presentations that embed the thinking and action planning at all levels of your organisation.

To begin or continue your disability confident journey with Purple, please click here.


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