Mike Adams presenting to a large room on why disability is a board issue and why it will benefit organisations.

Leading from the Front


Blog by Mike Adams

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Yesterday, I was part of the Purple team, with KPMG, which launched leading from the front: Disability and the role of the Board.

It is incredible to believe there is nothing already out there, and this becomes the first “how to” for Boards of businesses, of all sizes, across all sectors.

It has been a real labour of love, but one delivered at speed!  From sign off, to producing it, to launch has been less than seven months. We all knew this was something that needed to happen, and we were committed to getting the message out there.

From the response we received yesterday – both at the event and through social media – it is clear we have identified a real need.

The challenge will be supporting businesses to maintain the momentum and act on the recommendations.

I believe there is a real tidal wave of interest around disability at the moment, and I am determined to ride that wave!

For more information about the review, and to view a copy, go to: www.kpmg.com/uk/disabilityinclusion


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