Purple pound coins

Are You Prepared to Delight Disabled Customers this Christmas


Last week our CEO Mike Adams discussed why we needed to change the conversation around disability in the UK, and how the Retail sector could get smart and in the process to access the ‘Purple Pound’, the multi-million pound market.

The podcast had the aim to discuss disability in the UK Retail sector and how prepared this industry is to give amazing customer service to people with impairments entering shops and restaurants this festive season and beyond.

Rob Liddiard, CEO of Yapster, said: “Mike focuses much of his time and effort explaining how discrimination against disabled people costs businesses more than £200 billion pounds every year. From eCommerce websites not set up to serve dyslexic customers (which famously includes Richard Branson) through to customer service workers deliberately avoiding direct contact with physically disabled shoppers (Mike estimates this happens to him 80% of the time), the lost opportunities across the economy are enormous.

“If you’re a leader running a multi-site customer service business this Christmas and you’ve not previously thought about your organisation’s approach to disabled consumers, I urge you to invest half an hour listening to my conversation with Mike on the Multi-site Masters podcast here.

“If you do, you will discover that the basics of serving disabled customers are very, very simple. Even if your units do not all have access ramps, disabled toilets and accessible changing rooms, Mike believes that you can earn “lifetime loyalty” from disabled customers merely by greeting them at the door, making eye contact and asking how they’d like to be served.

“It’s a simple but powerful message. And, of course, if you need mobile technology to help carry such advice to the frontline, we at Yapster would be happy to help you. We’re proud to be working with Purple to become a Disability Confident technology company.”

This article has originally been published on the Yapster website. Yapster is a mobile chat app for staff within multi-site operators. It’s fun to use and allows employers to boost team productivity and financial returns.

To find out more about Yapster please visit yapster.info.


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